What’s New
January 2013 - Special Offer for Entrée to Black Paris Tours
If you are planning a trip to Paris in 2013, walk with us to learn about the amazing history and the vibrant fabric that the African Diaspora weaves in Paris today! We’re offering a $25 discount on the private, guided Entrée to Black Paris walking tour of your choice. Select from Black Paris after World War II, The Black Pearl Walk (featurning Josephine Baker), Retracing the Steps of Langston Hughes, and more! To claim your discount, send an e-mail to paris[at]entreetoblackparis[dot]com and include 2013 ETBP Offer in the subject line. We will then work with you to schedule your tour.

Note: This offer expires on January 31st, so claim your discount for your 2013 tour today!
Articles for 2013
- December 2013 - We have new e-books in the works!
- July 2013 - Two Travel Professionals Successfully Complete the Paris - An Afro-centric Perspective Training Course
- June 2013 - Entrée to Black Paris Nominated for the 1st Annual Tannie Awards; Wins in the Category Webzines, Blogs, and IT
- May 2013 - Arcadia University Study-abroad Students Retrace the Steps of Langston Hughes
- April 2013 - Entrée to Black Paris and The Travel Institute Partner on Paris Black Heritage Continuing Education Course
- March 2013 - Successful Debut of “Southern Passion Lounge in Paris” Radio Show
- February 2013 - New Release: For Your Dining Pleasure – An Introductory Guide to Dining in Paris
- January 2013 - Special Offer for Entrée to Black Paris Tours