Thursday, December 8th, 2022
Shirley Monestier: A Black Female Artist in France - Part 1
Cover image: Shirley Monestier at l'Atelier 65 -- Bordeaux, France
© Jean-Marie Monestier
Shirley Monestier was on vacation in France in the early 1990s when a friend introduced her to the man who would become her husband:
"After 1 year of correspondence, phone calls and a visit with my family, he convinced me to 'take the risk' and come live in France. I took that risk and am happy to now have roots in two countries with a wonderful soulmate."
She and her husband, Jean-Marie, lived in Taverny - a northwestern suburb of Paris located approximately 13 miles from the city center - for 10 years. When they moved into their new home, which was a freshly renovated barn, Monestier was inspired to visit galleries and artist studios in Paris with the intent to purchase works to decorate the bare walls.
Because she found the prices of the works she wanted to be exorbitant, she decided to take art lessons so she could create her own paintings.
She enrolled at the Municipal Centre d’Arts and Plastiques in Taverny (no longer in existence) and took classes there for two years.
And she's never looked back!
Shirley Monestier cruising the Garonne River
© Jean-Marie Monestier
Jean-Marie Monestier is from Bordeaux. After he retired in 2001, he and Shirley relocated there in 2002 to be near his family and to enjoy warmer weather and a more laid back lifestyle than they experienced in the Paris area.
Shirley describes Bordeaux as being a family-friendly city with a much simpler vibe than Paris. She says they are "surrounded by vineyards, great southwest food, and good transportation."
Monestier was once a member of the Association of American Women in Europe (AAWE). She is now a member of the Bordeaux Women's Club (BWC). Both organizations were instrumental in helping her find venues to show her artwork.
AAWE organize the Fight Cancer art exhibition at the Mona Bismarck American Center (now called the American Center for Art and Culture) where Monestier showed two of her paintings in 2007.
And a BWC member found L'Atelier 65, the Bordeaux café/gallery that his currently hosting Monestier's first solo show, which is called Multicultural Women in Vibrant Colors. She introduced Monestier to the gallery owner and asked if Monestier could exhibit her work there.
Once the owner looked at Monestier's portfolio, she was delighted to organize the exhibition.
Vernissage flier
Monestier describes L’Atelier 65 as a beautiful, intimate space located in Chartrons, an up and coming trendy area of Bordeaux. She says the venue is perfect for displaying paintings because it has natural stone and wooden walls.
The vernissage (opening) for the exhibition took place on December 1.
Vernissage attendees
© Jean-Marie Monestier
Shirley Monestier (seated) and vernissage attendees
© Jean-Marie Monestier
Monestier deemed the event a success:
"I spoke with each of attendees who asked questions ... the engagement was wonderful, so personal. The atmosphere at the event was warm and fuzzy-friendly. What was amazing is that all those attending stayed for the entire 2 hours - they did not want to leave! I had one sale and the possibility of more."
The painting whose image graced the vernissage flier is the one that sold.
A Girl in Nature
2020 - Acrylic on canvas
© Shirley Monestier
Once Multicultural Women in Vibrant Colors closes, Monestier plans to open a private home art gallery, where her works will be viewed by appointment only.
Her target date for opening is May 6, 2023.
To contact Shirley Monestier about her art, send email to shirley.monestier@neuf.fr.
Come back next week for Part 2 of this article, where Monestier discusses her thoughts about expatriation and the women's organizations that have been a large part of her social integration in France.