Thursday, October 3rd, 2019
Cool Links for Black Culture in Paris III
This is the third year that I'm devoting an early autumn blog post to links to sites / articles that offer information about black culture in Paris. I'm officially declaring this a tradition!
Alexis Peskine
Alexis Peskine at UNESCO
© Entrée to Black Paris
I had the pleasure of meeting Alexis Peskine during the Global Arts and Culture event organized by Jacqueline Cofield, founder of J Rêve International, in Paris in 2017. I love his mixed media artwork, which consists of portraits and other figurative representations made from nails and gold leaf.
Peskine was born in Paris in 1979 to an Afro-Brazilian mother and a Franco-Russian father. He was an artist-in-residence in at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh earlier this year.
Adama Paris
Adema Ndiaye at Saargale
Screenshot from DW.com video
I have been award of the Black Fashion Week shows that Adama Ndiaye has organized in Paris, Dakar, and New York for several years. They always take place when I'm focused on other things, so I've not concentrated on them before now. (Timing is everything.) Today, I'm sharing a wonderful article and video about this remarkable woman and her passion for promoting African culture through fashion. She opened a fashion boutique / concept store called Saargale in the Viaduc des Arts this summer. The address is 47, avenue Daumesnil, 75012 Paris.
Trophées de l'Art Culinaire du Monde Créole
Mauritian chefs and Sandra Mayotte (center), Mauritian ambassador for the event
Image courtesy of Trophées de l'Art Culinaire du Monde Créole
Tonight, the Académie de l'Art Culinaire du Monde Créole is hosting its 5th award ceremony for Créole Culinary Art. This year, Mauritian cuisine is being honored and the chefs pictured above have flown in to prepare the meal for the 350 guests that are expected. The event has been sold out for weeks! Learn more about it here (page is in French):