Thursday, May 28th, 2020
Deconfinement - My First Haircut
Cover image: Waiting for a haircut (detail)
© Entrée to Black Paris
After two months of waiting, I was finally able to get a professional hair cut!
I've been using Hair Star (aka RStar) at Châtelet for the past several months and I am sold on their service. So, I was excited to make my way there a few days ago to experience what they're offering under deconfinement conditions.
Taking the metro during off peak hours was a pleasure. Many Parisians remain out of the city and there was no crowding whatsoever. Markings on the ground indicate the distance to be respected while on the quay.
Social distance markings on the quay in the Censier Daubenton metro station
© Entrée to Black Paris
These are found on the floor in the metro cars as well.
Social distance marking on the floor of metro car
© Entrée to Black Paris
The markings at Châtelet are more numerous, given that it is the largest station in Paris and people are literally packed like sardines on the quays at rush hour.
Social distance markings on the quay in the Châtelet metro station
© Entrée to Black Paris
Hair Star has created new regulations for patrons to accommodate the restrictions that are designed to prevent the spread of COVID-19. They have posted several notices next to the entrance to avoid confusion.
Regulations for being served at Hair Star
© Entrée to Black Paris
Walk-ins are now being discouraged. Clients are asked to make appointments whenever possible.
The chairs in the waiting area have been removed - you are required to wait outside until your barber or hairdresser can accommodate you.
Waiting for a haircut
© Entrée to Black Paris
Hand sanitizer is available at the entrance.
All personnel wear masks and anyone entering the shop is required to wear a mask as well. The cloth garments that clients used to don to protect your clothing from hair clippings, shampoo, etc. have been replaced by single-use plastic bibs.
You are not to touch hair care products that are for sale - rather, you should make your selection by sight and then ask an employee to get it from the shelf. Product shelves are disinfected twice daily.
Hair Star has increased its prices to account for the cost of the products they use to disinfect the salon and the time spent doing so. They are charging an additional 3€ for services provided to men and an additional 5€ for services provided to women.
Everything went smoothly. Have a look at the results.
Before Hair Star
© Entrée to Black Paris
After Hair Star
© Entrée to Black Paris
I'm looking forward to my next cut!
Hair Star signage
© Entrée to Black Paris