Thursday, June 4th, 2020
Deconfinement - Phase II is Underway
Cover image: Children playing at the Luxembourg Garden
© Entrée to Black Paris
France is making great progress in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and residents happily entered Phase II of deconfinement last weekend.
Man singing and playing a guitar
© Entrée to Black Paris
Paris and the surrounding departments in Ile de France have gone from red to orange on the tricolor (red-orange-green) tracking map that health authorities are updating daily as a reflection of the four criteria used to determine which restrictions can be lifted and which ones should be maintained or strengthened to protect public health.
As of June 3, all other departments in mainland France and all overseas departments except for Mayotte and Guiana are green. Mayotte and Guiana are orange.
For green departments, deconfinement is proceeding cautiously, but with fewer restrictions than in orange departments.
The government firmly maintains that social distancing and safety gestures such as coughing or sneezing into your elbow or a single-use tissue and refraining from handshaking and greeting by kissing on the cheek are required to avoid a second outbreak of the virus.
The free masks promised by the national government, the City of Paris, and Paris' public transportation system are now being distributed.
In Paris, bus stops are being outfitted with hand sanitizing stations.
Hand sanitizing station at Palais de Justice bus stop
© Entrée to Black Paris
These will also be installed at playgrounds, which remain closed at present.
Religious services have resumed under the condition that social distancing, the wearing of masks, and restriction of the number of persons assembling are respected.
For Christians, this meant being able to gather to celebrate Pentecost Sunday.
Leaving mass at Eglise Saint Jacques du Haut Pas
© Entrée to Black Paris
For French departments that are "green," restaurants and bars (as well as middle schools and high schools) reopened without restriction as of June 2.
In Paris and Ile de France, restaurants and cafés with terraces were allowed to reopen with the caveat that service be provided on terraces only. Table spacing must respect social distancing requirements.
During a quick walk around my neighborhood on June 3, I found some terraces to be "packed"...
Terrace on rue Mouffetard
© Entrée to Black Paris
Café Saint Médard
© Entrée to Black Paris
and other wanting for customers.
Le Village Monge
© Entrée to Black Paris
One restaurant in the neighborhood is using the pedestrian street in front of its façade as a terrace.
Piadina Restaurant - rue Daubenton
© Entrée to Black Paris
Many establishments with terraces can only serve a fraction of the number of clients for which they have capacity.
Les Filles - small terrace and large empty dining room
© Entrée to Black Paris
Establishments that do not have terraces can still opt to provide take-out and delivery service until indoor dining is once again permitted.
Hélas... trop peu de terrasse ! (Alas, not enough terrace!)
© Entrée to Black Paris
Over the weekend of May 30-31, Paris reopened its parks and gardens. The only absolute requirement for visiting these green spaces is that people restrict their gatherings to no more than 10 persons. Wearing masks is strongly recommended, but not required.
A peek at the Tuileries Garden prior to reopening
© Entrée to Black Paris
Entrée to Black Paris is particularly happy that the Luxembourg Garden has reopened. The garden was filled with people last Sunday.
Young couple strolling down main path of the Luxembourg Garden
© Entrée to Black Paris
Lawns open for picnicking
© Entrée to Black Paris
Children playing in the grass
© Entrée to Black Paris
Sailboat rentals for boat basin
© Entrée to Black Paris
Father and son at boat basin
© Entrée to Black Paris
Picnicking on a bench
© Entrée to Black Paris
Enjoying the sun
© Entrée to Black Paris
Tom and I look forward to welcoming U.S. and other clients from abroad for our "Black History in and around the Luxembourg Garden" walk and our other walking tours and activities as soon as France's borders are open again!
Monique and Tom at the Medici fountain in the Luxembourg Garden
© Entrée to Black Paris