Thursday, December 6th, 2018
Down Memory Lane - Part 4
As I continue to dig out from an unusually heavy workload, I am enjoying this trip down memory lane for the ETBP blog!
Today I'm sharing a few posts that recount the details of gourmet walking tours that I've led over the years.
Note that Entrée to Black Paris continues to offer gourmet tours and activities. And as the U.S. Ambassador and Delegate for the Academy of Culinary Art for the Créole World, I can work with the Academy to organize Afro-centric culinary activities for you. Contact me if you'd like to plan something for your group!
Lové Anthony and Monique Y. Wells at Cacao et Chocolat
© Entrée to Black Paris
Gourmet Walk with Black Paris Divas
Black Paris Divas on Gourmet Walking Tour
© Entrée to Black Paris
Cooking and Walking with Black Paris Divas
Tasting Olive Oils
© Entrée to Black Paris