Thursday, April 2nd, 2020
Paris Lock Down Extended to April 15
Cover image: Happy Bears queuing for newspapers © Entrée to Black Paris
On March 27, the French government announced that the COVID-19 confinement period is extended through April 15 and could be further prolonged if necessary.
A 16-year old girl died from the virus last week.
Restrictions for outings remain the same. The fine for a single violation has been increased from 135 euros to 200 euros.
Supermarket chains such as Carrefour and Auchan are closing earlier in the evening to give their employees a rest. Residents are advised to consult their neighborhood stores for new hours.
Click on the following link to watch a video of a "drone's-eye-view" of the city, filmed by the Prefecture de Paris on March 19 and posted on the Prefecture's Facebook page. Never have the streets been so deserted!
A message of thanks for all the personnel who are working to combat the spread of the virus and to attend to those who are ill is being projected onto the Eiffel Tower every evening at 8 PM. Messages instructing people to stay at home are projected between 8:30 PM and 10 PM.
France's Museum Night, which was originally scheduled for May 16, has been postponed until November 14, 2020. Over 1200 museums participated in the event last year.
Richelieu wing of the Louvre and the Cour Napoléon
© Entrée to Black Paris
The Centre Pompidou has revamped its Website to provide a host of online experiences that allow you to explore the museum.
France's national theater troop, La Comédie Française, is launching an Internet channel called La Comédie Continue ! to bring theater into people's homes. It is also partnering with France Télévisions (France 5) to broadcast a play every Sunday evening.
Parisians have not lost their sense of humor in the face of this crisis. The owner of a press boutique (one of the few types of businesses that can remain open during the pandemic) created a queue of "Happy Bears," which are respecting the rules of social distancing, on the sidewalk to bring smiles to the faces of the few passersby.
Happy Bears queuing for newspapers
© Entrée to Black Paris
Parents are still allowed to go out with their children for fresh air and exercise. Below are images of fathers and sons enjoying time together outdoors.
Father teaching a son to jump rope
© Entrée to Black Paris
Father and son riding bicycles
© Entrée to Black Paris
Father and son with scooter
© Entrée to Black Paris
The city is encouraging neighborly behavior while respecting social distancing using the images posted in this kiosk.
© Entrée to Black Paris
Top of kiosk
© Entrée to Black Paris
Bottom of kiosk
© Entrée to Black Paris
Chocolate shops are gearing up for Easter. Many of the prestigious houses are offering home delivery of chocolates and a few storefronts are reopening so that neighborhood residents can purchase items and take them home.
Yesterday, Jeff de Bruges reopened on rue Mouffetard to celebrate April Fools' Day and to display its Easter wares.
Left: Sandwich sign says "We are open!"
Right: Poissons d'avril (April Fools fishes)
© Entrée to Black Paris
They displayed signs in both windows indicating that only two customers are allowed in the store at any given time.
Jeff de Bruges - 2-customer limit
© Entrée to Black Paris
Please stay at home as much as possible during the pandemic and find joy wherever you can, wherever you are in the world!