Thursday, May 14th, 2020
Paris Lock Down - First Days of Deconfinement
Cover image: Child with mask (detail)
Image by Entrée to Black Paris
France began its first phase of deconfinement as of Monday, May 11.
Though the number of COVID-19 deaths continues to rise, the number of hospitalizations and the number of persons needing intensive care for the virus have dropped progressively since mid-April.
On May 13, France's national spokesperson, Sideth Ndiaye, announced that the country will pay tribute to all health care workers during the Bastille Day ceremony on July 14 and that all those who contributed to the fight against COVID-19 will be inducted into the Legion of Honor in 2021.
Sideth Ndiaye, Government Spokesperson
- photographer
Source: Wikimedia Commons
CC-BY-SA 4.0
Paris and Ile-de-France are still in the red zone of the COVID-19 "weather map" and many restrictions remain in place:
All persons aged 11 and older are required to wear a mask on the metro, bus, and tram.
Signage on metro door - Masks are obligatory
© Entrée to Black Paris
Fifty percent (50%) of the seats in public transportation vehicles are out of service.
Signage on seats and floor in metro
© Entrée to Black Paris
Markings will be placed on the ground so the people waiting for vehicles can respect appropriate physical distancing.
Only those persons commuting to or from work are allowed to use public transportation during morning and evening rush hour. Employers are obligated to provide these workers with an attestation that indicates their employees' work hours.
Authorization is required to use public transportation during peak hours for specific, exceptional needs such as seeking medical care or accompanying a child to school.
Failure to adhere to these restrictions engenders a 135€ fine.
The quays on the Seine River, the Bois de Boulogne and Bois de Vincennes, the Champs de Mars, and the esplanade at Les Invalides reopened on Monday, but gatherings of more than ten (10) persons are still forbidden. Picnics and team sports are still not allowed.
Eiffel Tower viewed from the Champs de Mars
© Discover Paris!
Individual sporting activities such as jogging and biking are once again allowed between 10 AM and 7 PM, but a distance of 10 meters must be respected. For yoga or other "stationary" activity, a distance of 4 meters must be respected.
Private sports facilities are now open to professional athletes for indoor training, while amateur athletes must wait until June to enjoy this privilege again.
Advertisement for a private sports club
© Entrée to Black Paris
Those wishing to visit churches, synagogues, and other places of worship may do so, but gatherings are limited to a maximum of 10 persons. Religious ceremonies are still not permitted.
Cemeteries have reopened. A maximum of 20 persons are allowed to assemble for funerals.
Springtime continues to unfold, with new waves of flowers blooming in green spaces around town.
White cap peonies at the Arènes de Lutèce
© Entrée to Black Paris
Flowers at Square Paul Langevin
© Entrée to Black Paris
Many parents have purchased masks for their children.
Child with mask
© Entrée to Black Paris
And some people are feeling quite relaxed in anticipation of a return to "normal" life.
"Chillin'" on a spring morning
© Entrée to Black Paris
(Yes, this young man is wearing a mask!)
Please remain vigilant as deconfinement is established in your area!