
Newsletter Archives

May 2016 - Paris Panorama

Welcome to the May 2016 edition of our newsletter Paris Panorama!

Each month we feature an inspiring haiku poem by Anna Eklund-Cheong.  You will also find a photograph of Paris by Raye, our restaurant of the month with a link to the review, and an angel of the month by Rosemary Flannery. 

Bonne lecture!


Haiku of the Month

Photograph by Eric Hian-Cheong
Haiku by Anna Eklund-Cheong


Paris by Raye

"Easy" Bois de Boulogne by Raye

View more great photos by Raye here:


Our Restaurant of the Month

Photograph by Entrée to Black Paris

Les Orientalistes is a gem of a restaurant located in an area that one would not normally associate with fine dining.

Follow this link and sign in to read our review:


Angel of the Month

Photograph by Rosemary Flannery
Author of Angels of Paris - An Architectural Tour through the History of Paris

May is the perfect month for visiting the abundant parks and gardens of Paris.  In a little square in front of the Sainte Clothilde Church, among the trees and flowers, you will even see an angel.  Sculpted in stone by Alfred Lenoir in 1904, this loving figure envelopes the19th century Romantic composer Cesar Franck with her outspread wings. Franck was the chief church organist, and one of his most enduring compositions is ‘Panis Angelicus’ - the bread of angels, a communion motet.  Here he seems to be lost in thought, perhaps in a creative quandary, and the angel appears to comfort him as she unfurls a banner listing his most famous works.

Square Samuel Rousseau, 7th arrondissement (Metro: Solferino)

To learn about other angels of Paris, follow this link: Angels of Paris – An Architectural Tour Through the History of Paris.

Paris Panorama Newsletters for 2016