
Newsletter Archives

April 2021 - Paris Panorama

Welcome to the April 2021 edition of our newsletter Paris Panorama!

Each month we feature an inspiring haiku poem by Anna Eklund-Cheong.  You will also find a photograph of Paris by Tom Reeves, our restaurants of the month with a link to the reviews, and an angel of the month by Rosemary Flannery.

Bonne lecture!


Haiku of the Month

April Haiku

April Haiku
Photograph by Eric Hian-Cheong
Haiku by Anna Eklund-Cheong


Photo of the Month

The Luxembourg Palace 

The Luxembourg Palace
Photograph by Tom Reeves

Tom Reeves publishes photographs of Paris on his Paris Insights Facebook page.


Our Restaurant of the Month

Our restaurant of the month is selected from the restaurants at which we dined during the prior month.   We invite our readers to read our reviews at the following link: (sign in to read the reviews).


Photograph by Entrée to Black Paris

Taiwanese street food served near the popular Mouffetard market street.


Angel of the Month

 April Angel

The Angel of Saint Etienne du Mont Church
Photograph by Rosemary Flannery
Author of Angels of Paris - An Architectural Tour through the History of Paris

For this month's angel, Rosemary writes:

One of the most beautiful churches in Paris is found at the top of the Montagne Sainte-Genevieve, a hill located in the Latin Quarter.  Once a small medieval abbey church, it was twice enlarged until its complete reconstruction began in the 15thcentury. The nave is graced with a Renaissance rood screen — an ornate partition between the chancel and the nave — of finely carved stone decorated with angels carrying palm branches and laurel leaves, Christian symbols of victory of the spirit over the flesh.  Intricately sculpted, with fanciful wings curved to fit the upper corners, the angel seems to float in a state of bliss.

The back porch steps of Saint Etienne du Mont appear as the point of departure for a voyage back in time in the 2011 film, Midnight in Paris.

Saint Etienne du Mont Church, Place Sainte-Genevieve, 5th arrondissement (Metro: Cardinal Lemoine)

To learn about other angels, follow this link:  Angels of Paris – An Architectural Tour Through the History of Paris.

Rosemary Flannery is an experienced artist currently creating portrait drawings from photos.  Click here to learn more:

Paris Panorama Newsletters for 2021