
Newsletter Archives

December 2014 - Paris Panorama

Welcome to our newsletter Paris Panorama!

Each month we feature an inspiring haiku poem by Anna Eklund-Cheong.  You will also find information about what’s up in Paris, a photograph with a link to a review of our restaurant of the month (sign in to read the review), and an angel of the month by Rosemary Flannery.

Bonne lecture!


 Haiku of the Month

Photograph by Eric Hian-Cheong
Haiku by Anna Eklund-Cheong


Our Restaurant of the Month

 Photograph by Entrée to Black Paris

A new restaurant – Les Chouettes – has opened in Paris.  Follow this link and sign in to the landing page to read our review:


Angel of the Month

  Photograph by Rosemary Flannery
Author of Angels of Paris - An Architectural Tour through the History of Paris

Languid, sensual angels drift in a wave of lush drapery as they gently lift a crowned medallion of the arms of Anne of Austria. The queen was childless during twenty-two years of her marriage to Louis XIII. She vowed to erect a magnificent temple to God, dedicated to the Nativity, if she were to bear a son. In 1638 Louis Dieudonné, "the God-given," was born. The shield’s baby dolphin heads are a charming allusion to the French dauphin, which signifies at once the aquatic mammal and the word denoting the heir to the throne.  The temple, named Val-de-Grâce Church, is located at place Alphonse Laveran in the 5th arrondissement (metro: RER Port Royal).

 To learn more about these and other angels of Paris, follow this link: Angels of Paris – An Architectural Tour Through the History of Paris.

Paris Panorama Newsletters for 2014